IMPACT Information

Dear Parents and Students,

Here is some more information about the upcoming IMPACT Conference:

impact tcbc hero-01

What is it?

Impact is a gospel-centered student conference that is all about helping middle and high school students discover their purpose found in Jesus Christ! At Impact you will experience authentic relationships with friends old and new, and have the opportunity to impact lives by personally by investing in local, domestic, and global relief projects. Attendees will also experience music led by worship leaders from around the country, and hear from speakers who love God, the gospel, and students.

When does it take place? 

February 27-March 2 (Thursday night, Friday night-Sunday morning).

Where is it located? 

The conference is located in Gray, TN at Tri-Cities Baptist Church in partnership with churches across the Tri-Cities area and beyond.

Who are the speakers and bands? Check out the picture below:


How much does it cost? 

The early bird rate is $55 per student if you pay no later than Feb. 9th. The cost is $65 per student if you pay between Feb. 10th-16th. All payments are due by no later than Feb. 16th.

You don’t want to miss out on this! I will have registration cards tomorrow night at iConnect if you wish to sign up then. Also, there will be a Parent Information meeting regarding IMPACT on Sunday, Feb. 9th in the Sanctuary immediately after the 11am worship service. 

See you tomorrow night for iConnect and on Sunday for worship and the Super Bowl Party!

In Christ,


(423) 534-3909

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